Think Before You Speak

Incase you haven't heard of it yet, GLSEN has launched a campaign called ThinkB4YouSpeak that is aimed towards raising awareness of hurtful phrases against LGBT people. Here is what the campaign is about, according to their website:

"Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) teens experience homophobic remarks and harassment throughout the school day, creating an atmosphere where they feel disrespected, unwanted and unsafe. Homophobic remarks such as “that’s so gay” are the most commonly heard; these slurs are often unintentional and a common part of teens’ vernacular. Most do not recognize the consequences, but the casual use of this language often carries over into more overt harassment.

This campaign aims to raise awareness about the prevalence and consequences of anti-LGBT bias and behavior in America’s schools. Ultimately, the goal is to reduce and prevent the use of homophobic language in an effort to create a more positive environment for LGBT teens. The campaign also aims to reach adults, including school personnel and parents; their support of this message is crucial to the success of efforts to change behavior."

Check out Wanda Sykes' commercial in support of this campaign:

We are bringing this campaign to Vassar by raising awareness about words that we often hear misused in a hurtful way by members of the Vassar community. We will be posting on the blog about these words throughout the month of March. Also be on the lookout for our fliers around campus during this Month.