Drop-In Hours for Fall 2008!

The LGBTQ Intern staff has finalized our drop-in hours for the Fall 2008 semester. During these hours, the LGBTQ Center will be open and we encourage visitors! Please feel free to come explore our resources, chat with the interns, use our computers, read a book/magazine, watch a movie, and much more! Food is allowed in the center with a "bring your own & clean up afterwards" policy. (However, alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited)

Here are the drop-in hours: (beginning TODAY!)
Sunday: 2-4:30pm
Tuesday: 11am-12noon, 3-4pm, 7:30-9pm
Wednesday: 7-9pm
Thursday: 12noon - 6pm, 7-9pm
Friday: 1-3pm, 4-6pm

These are the hours we will always be open, but there will be other random open times as well. Feel free to stop by if you are in the area incase we are open, or e-mail me at jusilverstein@vassar.edu to schedule an appointment.

We can't wait to see you there!