Discussion with local candidate, Jonathan Smith

(Posted by Strong House Fellow Team)
Town Hall Discussion with local candidate Jonathan Smith
Indulge in the pre-election fervor by engaging with an actual political candidate!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
5-7pm @ Strong MPR

We are thrilled to have Vassar graduate and New York State Assembly candidate Jonathan Smith (D) come to campus a week before the election!! He will be answering your questions on women's issues that affect the Poughkeepsie and Dutchess County area. This is a fabulous opportunity for us to ask questions of a candidate who understands Vassar's concerns as issues that also affect Poughkeepsie and Dutchess County.

E-mail any questions or topics of interest for the discussion to livingstrong0809@yahoo.com, or just come with them on the day!

Strong is hosting, but it's not just for us - invite your friends from other houses too! Everyone is welcome to attend!

Thanks to our lovely co-sponosors: The Women's Center, Amnesty International, The Debate Society, and MICA.
And thanks to Political Science Professor Sarita Gregory for moderating!


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